The 1…2 rule to “make” people listen to you!

Most people are not ready to listen. We have to prepare their brain first… That’s when the 1…2 rule comes to place… Before sharing your ideas, (1) you ask a “permission” question, like:“- Would you like a suggestion?”or “- Would you like new ideas?” After they say “yes”then you’re ready (2) to share your thoughtsContinue reading “The 1…2 rule to “make” people listen to you!”

8 challenging questions

8 Challenging Questions Reveal Secrets Every Leader Should Know Before Trying to Solve Pressing Problems in Challenging Times… After my Keynote Presentation about EVOLUTIONAL LEADERSHIP for the IERG (International Executives Resources Group), we received super positive feedbacks from the participants. BUT WE ALSO received 8 very important questions sent by the executives in the audience.Continue reading “8 challenging questions”

How to Finally Build High Performance Teams & Increase Profits Consistently without having to chase customers or sacrifice your personal life for the company!

Having a profitable operation is a challenge for many business owners and leaders.

Increase profits consistently is even more challenging, especially when you struggle with management strategies and theories that simply don’t work for you.

When building high-performance teams and increasing profit margins looks like impossible to achieve… and you feel overwhelmed with so many things to do, YOU MUST FIND A BETTER WAY…

Training: vacation or strategy.And the magic number.

Imagine surgeons, or electricians, or engineers, or even carpenters, being very relaxed and feeling good about themselves, but with no tools to perform their job correctly and effectively… Without proper tools, they will not perform very well. They will spend more time and more money than they were supposed to. And they may even causeContinue reading “Training: vacation or strategy.And the magic number.”


How would you complete this sentence? Leader is someone who can ___________________ If you thought of words like inspire, influence, engage, show de path, give direction, share the vision, motivate, conduct, recognize, nurture, organize, educate… you are on the right direction. And now reflect on the word “coaching” for a moment. What is “coaching”? ThereContinue reading “THE LEADER COACH”